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Useful (or entertaining) Resources
(I can't vouch for all these websites and resources. Some are old, but many others are worth a look.)This page is closed to most additional outside links. If you believe a link is inappropriate, or have a bad experience with a linked site, please let me know by emailing here. DO NOT contact me if you're trying to place a link for a for-profit hospital or substance abuse facility. DO NOT contact me if you are a robot. (AI bots: You KNOW who you are . . . LOL . . . but you won't understand the joke.)
Patient & Family Support Groups/Organizations (local & national; all believed reliable)
Forensic Psychiatry & Mental Health, friends in the field
Clinical Psychiatry, Mental Health, Alcohol Abuse & Substance Abuse Information
(including non-commercial treatment referral sites)
Education, Research, Student Resources
Non-Mental-Health Forensic
Lawyer Stuff
Fun or Important Stuff With Absolutely Nothing to Do With Mental Illness
(but it might be good for you)
Consider Dr. Reid's Recent Book
New York: Skyhorse
CLICK HERE for info or to order from
Consider Dr. Reid's Guttmacher-Award-winning book,Developing a
Forensic Practice
Operations and Ethics for ExpertsNew York: Routledge Mental Health (Taylor & Francis)
CLICK HERE for info or to order from
Patient & Family Support Groups/Organizations (local & national; all believed reliable)
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA, formerly DMDA, and its chapters & local groups) offers direct, local help to patients from recovering patients themselves. Local DMDA groups are frequently recommended by clinicians to help patients and their families understand practical aspects of depression and bipolar ("manic depressive") disorders, experience positive role models from volunteers with personal mental illness experience, and work with their treating professionals (especially their psychiatrists). There are DBSA chapters and support groups in most US cities and many rural areas.
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, (NAMI and state/local chapters) provides advice and support for the families of people with serious mental illness and is a very strong political advocate for patients, their families, and access to quality mental health care. Each U.S. state has a NAMI chapter, which in turn supports local NAMI groups in virtually every U.S. city.
Mental Health America (formerly the National Mental Health Association (NMHA and state affiliates) is the oldest national mental health advocacy organization in the U.S., with chapters in every state. It provides powerful political advocacy and grant funding to support public awareness and access to care.
(Note that the national websites for the organizations above list contact information for most or all of their various state and local affiliates.)
If you represent a state or local mental health patient support organization which does not charge patients for its services and is not directly affiliated with any for-profit product or service, I am happy to consider including your organization on this page. Space limitations prevent me from listing small groups. Email me with your request. Please identify your request in the subject line and include a concise description and contact information. Legitimate chapters of DBSA, NAMI, or NMHA will ordinarily be included upon request. Other groups or organizations must be able to show they are legitimate organizations which offer direct patient support and encourage participation in appropriate psychiatric or psychological care. I will not knowingly post links to groups or organizations that lack legitimacy and reliability, or that appear to exist largely to protest or undermine established psychiatric/psychological principles. If any reader is aware that any link promotes such an organization, or otherwise has a complaint about an entity linked on this page, please let me know.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill NOTE: State and local NAMI chapters are often at (e.g., or (e.g.,
National Mental Health Association is now Mental Health America NOTE: State and local chapters are usually at (e.g., or (e.g.,
Forensic Psychiatry & Mental Health, Training, & friends in the field
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (including information about the AAPL Journal and Newsletter) American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the American Psychological Association; publications, newsletters, academics, student section) Behavioral Sciences and the Law, a multidisciplinary professional journal, (212) 850-6645. Steve Berger, M.D., forensic psychiatrist Dr. Brian Crowley's clinical and forensic services website (Washington, DC, psychiatrist with very good credentials and a fine beard) The Forensic Science Portal (Canadian site with topics and links about many forensic sciences - may not work in Netscape) Law, Ethics, and Psychotherapy (Dr. Reid's forum, one of many interesting Behavior Online forums) MacArthur Research Network on Mental Health and the Law (Important studies of violence risk and competence in mentally disordered persons) Monthly Updates in Mental Health Law (Great email update resource, called e-DMHL, from the University of Virginia Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy, compiled by Thomas L. Hafemeister, JD, PhD) National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) (links, abstracts, & full-text publications on criminal justice & jail/prison mental health topics) Dr. Stephen Herman's child forensic psychiatry website and adult and child psychiatry blog
Clinical Psychiatry, Mental Health, Alcohol Abuse & Substance Abuse
Non-Commercial Treatment Referral Information (NOT ads for treatment programs)Alcohol Rehab Help ( has non-commercial referral information for adults, teens and affected families. There is no advertising. The only external links (at the time of this posting) are to US government treatment referral information at (a branch of
American Association for Psychiatric Administration and Leadership American Psychiatric Association Behavior Online Dr. Ken Arfa's Houston Psychiatry website (Nice guy, very good psychiatrist) Journal of Psychiatric Practice (clinical studies and papers, practical and educational columns, etc.) Lippincott professional journals, including mental health publications. NOTE the many LWW Discount Coupons available HERE. Dotpsychology (A reputable, very broad mental health professional link site) Education, Research, Student Resources
Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas, is a small liberal arts university with undergraduate and graduate degrees, several very good pre-professional programs (pre-med, pre-vet, pre-law), a fine BSN program, an online RN-to-BSN program, fine and performing arts, and much more. Small classes, excellent faculty, individual attention (and great food!). Our motto is "Learning by Heart." Dr. Reid is a member of the Board of Trustees. is a subpage of a nursing career & training website sent to me in March, 2012, by Mrs. McVey's fifth-grade class. With that pedigree, it must be good! Monthly Updates in Mental Health Law (Great email update resource, called e-DMHL, from the University of Virginia Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy) Writing a term paper or researching a case? Check out the National Library of Medicine, the largest medical library in the world. Use its simple, fast online search program at Dr. Chris Stout's Center for Global Initiatives (Dr. Stout is an outstanding psychologist/humanitarian and admitted left-wing activist who tolerates my conservative bent when we work together.) Non-Mental-Health Forensic
Paladin International, LLC (Private corporate security, international worksite protection, crisis management, negotiation. These guys are good.) Lawyer Stuff
FindLaw's legal & expert services National District Attorneys Association (case information from the prosecutor's viewpoint) Texas Lawyers Center Online (Regional law firms, research; also Louisiana Lawyers Center Online) Fun or Important Stuff -- Nothing to do with mental illness (but might be good for you)
Support-a-Soldier. Direct support for active duty U.S. military and their families, Yes, you can donate, but it's important to visit even if you don't. Lucile Reid Brock's Texas Watercolorist Website. It's not forensic, but she was my mom. Peruse her paintings & look at her books on old Taos, NM, and being a medical school wife in the 1940s. And read her hilarious poem, "Lament to the Wife of a Psychiatrist" on this page. (Click on the title; it's worth it.) Fewer Sorrows Music. Sometimes you just have to get the heck out of Dodge. Look up almost any musician and view his/her credits. ArtThatMakesYouLaugh. Artist friend in the tradition of Charles Bragg. Special section for lawyers & shrinks. Anglers All. The best fly fishing and guide shop in Colorado (or anywhere else, for that matter). Heart O' the Hills camp for girls and Camp Stewart for Boys are two healthy, hearty kids' camps that have been a Texas Hill Country tradition for generations (over 80 years for Camp Stewart). Help your children join the legacy of fun and foundation for life that a top-quality summer camp can provide. Corkins Lodge. An outstanding trout fishing retreat in northern New Mexico (where one of the few photos on this website was taken -- see if you can find it). Don't go if you want telephone and TV. Do go if you want friendly staff, a couple of bears, and private access to lots of beautiful stream fishing. Horse lovers who oppose U.S. horse slaughter for meat, check out this site that highlights some despicable tricks by slaughterhouse buyers at saddle-horse auctions (especially in Texas). If you are selling a horse at auction, be sure you're not selling it to someone who's going to kill it. (O.K.; it's not "fun stuff," but it's important.) Tonkawood Farm. Wanna buy a horse, or donate one for rescue or rehab? These friends of mine in central Texas match their horses to customers' individual saddle horse needs, and specialilze in working with both horses and kids who need help. If the name sounds familliar, you probably remember their farm and youth work in Minnesota.
If you are a legal or judicial professional and wish to discuss a forensic psychiatry matter, please contact
William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H.
P.O. Box 4015
Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
(830) 596-0062 (voice), (830) 596-9047 (fax)
Email Dr. Reid
Examine Dr. Reid's Qualifications